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The night sky has fascinated me since childhood. There were a few times I can remember being in skies dark enough to appreciate its grandeur. But the impression of those times has stuck with me through my life. The first time I saw M42 (Orion Nebula) on the back of my camera the real beauty of the Lord's creation began to unfold. Since then I've wanted to share that beauty with others and give the Lord Jesus Christ the glory and honor he deserves for his creation. 


Space has always held a special fascination for me. From a young age, I was obsessed with everything related to space. However, I never had access to telescopes.


It was not until much later that I saw the stars outside of the city and reignited that childhood wonder of the night sky. Camping under the dark skies of the Dakotas, on a whim, I placed my wife’s DSLR camera on a picnic table and captured my first blurry, star-filled image. Intrigued by what I saw, I delved into articles and videos and spent countless nights trying to improve on that first image. On that same trip, I had an unforgettable experience in Montana’s Devil’s Canyon that sealed my passion for astrophotography. On a moonless night, I saw the Milky Way without light pollution, and it shone bright enough to cast my shadow on the ground.


Since then, I have dedicated countless nights to capturing the images of the stars, nebulae, and galaxies above. With each photograph, the intricate handiwork of my Savior, the Lord Jesus Christ, is revealed, and I am continually in awe of the beauty of His creation.

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